12 Top Web 3.0 Crypto Coins To Invest In Now for 2023

The next generation of the internet is fast approaching, with decentralized protocols and blockchain data opening up a new generation of internet access for users. With more focus than ever on data privacy, secure streaming and decentralized networks, Web 3.0 projects are seeing huge growth across the board.

The 12 best Web 3.0 tokens for 2023

The Web 3.0 revolution offers a fantastic chance for investors to see huge gains by backing web 3.0 crypto coins that capitalize on emerging technologies like smart contracts and digital assets to deliver phenomenal user experiences. Here are the top web 3.0 crypto coins to buy right now:

  1. Shiba Memu (SHMU))
  2. Chancer (CHANCER)
  3. AltSignals (ASI)
  4. Metacade (MCADE)
  5. Helium (HNT)
  6. Chainlink (LINK)
  7. Filecoin (FIL)
  8. The Graph (GRT)
  9. Uniswap (UNI)
  10. Cosmos (ATOM)
  11. Ethereum (ETH)
  12. Solana (SOL)


1. Shiba Memu (SHMU) — A meme coin powered by AI

What is Shiba Memu?

Shiba Memu is a cute meme coin based on the loveable Japanese dog, Shiba Inu. While many meme coins have adopted a Shiba Inu inspired interace, Shiba Memu sets itself apart from the pack. Typically, meme coins have no utility and rely solely on hype generated by the likes of Elon Musk (Dogecoin, anyone?) and other celebrities. That’s where Shiba Memu is in a pedigree of its own — it harnesses the power of AI to provide it with a real use case.

Shiba Memu isn’t just any dog. This robodog sniffs the internet for any mention of its brand. It uses AI tools such as natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, and image and video recognition to identify any mention of it. Based on several factors, it assess whether a mention is negative or not. If the sentiment is negative, Shiba Memu interacts on whatever platform in order to change perceptions to a paws-itive. What a clever pup! Shiba Memu aims to do the work of over 100 marketing agencies by itself in real time, another differentiator between it and the other dogs in the pack, who rely on human marketing efforts.

SHMU holders can stake their tokens in order to see and interact with Shiba Memu’s AI dashboard,  which communicates with users in a similar way to popular chatbot ChatGPT. Users can feedback and suggest new ideas to Shiba Memu. Users whose suggestions are adopted are given SHMU tokens as a dog treat.

Why should you invest in Shiba Memu?

Shiba Memu is currently in its unique presale which gives investors immediate ROI. Launched on day one of its presale at $0.011125, the price will shoot up to $0.0379 by the end of the presale on day 120, which represents a daily price increase of $0.000225, and an overall leap of 240.67% for those lucky enough to have bought SHMU on day one. If this fantastic investment opportunity doesn’t get tails wagging, what will?!

The meme coin market rose from nothing to a valuation of over $20 billion in just two years. Meme coins are a popular investment, but typically, people lose more money than they put in due to how short-lived the hype is surrounding them. This isn’t the case with Shiba Memu, which has in-built utility that will provide it with longevity. Top dogs should invest in SHMU, especially during its presale, to realize maximum gains.

What are the risks of investing in Shiba Memu?

Shiba Memu, like any crypto, has risk due to the volatility and unpredictability of the crypto market. However, its innovative use of AI should protect this pup from any factors that would typically trouble a meme coin.

>>> You can find more information, including how to buy SHMU here <<<

2. Chancer (CHANCER) — Revolutionizing and challenging the betting industry

What is Chancer?

Chancer is the world’s first decentralized predictive markets app, aiming to take a shot at traditional betting, which typically unfavors bettors and works against them by setting up unfair odds. The brainchild of entrepreneurial brothers Adam and Paul Kelbie, Chancer is empowering bettors through a fair peer-to-peer (P2P) system, which allows people to create their own bespoke bets with complete transparency, completely removing the need for a bookmaker or betting house. This democratized approach not only puts the fun back into betting, but directly challenges big betting houses who have taken advantage of people for far too long.

Unlike traditional betting houses, who typically restrict betting to sports only, Chancer allows users to create bets on absolutely anything, from a small wager between friends, to viral bets on global events such as the Superbowl, Eurovision, or even the US presidential election.

Why should you invest in Chancer?

Chancer’s native token, CHANCER, fuels the entire ecosystem. All bets are placed and paid out in CHANCER, giving the token innate utility. This means it’s a sure bet that this crypto won’t fall foul. Currently in its presale, CHANCER is available at a ridiculously cheap price and has already attracted a raise of $750,000 in just a few weeks.   which is a breath of fresh air compared to traditional betting, where the odds are stacked against bettors.  Considering the betting industry is worth over $60 billion and is set to swell to over $150 billion by 2030, Chancer has its sights set on taking a large slice of the market away from the big betting names. Its popularity so far is a sign of things to come, so savvy investors should take a chance on Chancer, which is a safe bet in terms of ROI.

What are the risks of investing in Chancer?

Chancer is a crypto, and cryptos come with inherent risk due to the unpredictability and volatility of the market. However, Chancer has done the utmost to protect itself from any fluctuations and can weather any crypto storm. With a predicted bullish market ahead, hedging your bets on Chancer could be one of the wisest options.

>>> You can find more information, including how to buy CHANCER here <<<

3. AltSignals – The best choice for market-leading trading signals

What is AltSignals, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

The AltSignals project is something of a rarity in the crypto space, as it is built off the back of an already successful project. AltSignals provides traders with the very best trading signals out there and boasts an incredible 50,000 users and a 4.9 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot.

This happy user base provides a perfect target market for the project with its new undertaking — the release of the ASI token to support the development of its cutting-edge new ActualizeAI product. ActualizeAI allows its users to benefit from the latest in machine-learning technology and receive trading signals ahead of everyone else, maximizing their profits.

Why you should buy AltSignals?

With such an incredibly strong user base, and the crypto market continuing to show volatility that traders can capitalize on, there is no better time to invest in the exception trading signals providers, as the market for these services will likely continue to boom.

What are the risks of investing in AltSignals?

With an incredibly strong user base, seeing the downside is difficult. As with all investments, there is always a risk of unforeseen circumstances, so investors should always consider this ahead of investing.

>>> You can find more information, including how to buy ASI here <<<

4. Metacade (MCADE) – Best of the crypto coins for big returns

What is Metacade?

Metacade is an incredible new project that has made a huge splash in the top Web 3.0 investment communities as a result of the much-lauded whitepaper and the ferocious interest in the project’s presale.

At the heart of the Metacade team’s plans is the creation of the world’s largest play-to-earn (P2E) arcade, meaning that the platform will boast a huge library of games covering a range of different digital worlds and a wide array of other gaming experiences for users.

Gamers will earn rewards for playing their favorite games, as well as for other activities that help improve the overall user experience in the Metacade platform. This means actions like sharing alpha or engaging with the community will also allow users to earn rewards.

Why should you invest in Metacade?

The Metacade platform’s token, MCADE, allows the platform to function effectively. MCADE is the currency of the entire ecosystem, so it powers not just the rewards but all other exchanges of value, such as buying merchandise or entering competitive tournaments.

The design choices for Metacade make MCADE a strong investment choice, with staking options enabling investors to earn a passive income as they hold for big future gains.

What are the risks of investing in Metacade?

While Metacade has a huge amount of potential, the nature of the crypto market is that it is more volatile than other assets. As Web 3.0 is still in its early stages, crypto coins are highly speculative investments, even those with very low market capitalization.

>>> You can find more information, including how to buy MCADE here <<<


5. Helium – Decentralized network-powered infrastructure

What is Helium, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

Helium is an ambitious project that is looking to build the world’s biggest distributed network for internet access — effectively a peer-to-peer network that provides network access in your area in return for the helium network’s native cryptocurrency, HNT. The Helium network aims to deliver a sea-change in the way in which the internet is accessed, and uses its own proof of coverage algorithm for consensus.

Why you should buy Helium?

The project boasts allowing low power devices to take part and as a result already boasts nearly 1 million nodes called hotspots which support its worldwide network users, and the decentralized network built by the project is on the most impressive plans for exclusively decentralized infrastructure in the whole of Web 3.0.

The tokenomics and staking options for the HNT token are compelling, and the distribution of native token HNT changes over time to support a set of incentives that is targeted with the needs of the network.

What are the risks of investing in Helium?

The main risk with investing in the Helium network is that it is competing with large centralized internet service providers and it remains to be seen whether there will be regulatory problems with a decentralized cloud infrastructure provided through a  decentralized blockchain network. Legal issues could be a blocker in some cases, with determining who is responsible for torrent client software running on a peer-to-peer network infrastructure likely to be a stumbling block.

6. Chainlink – Bringing secure data on-chain

What is Chainlink, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

Chainlink provides oracle services, and in doing so, ensures that smart contracts are able to gain access to off-chain data — that is, real world data that smart contracts are unable to access themselves in a trustless way. The project achieves this by an extensive set of rules that incentivizes node operators to behave in a trustworthy manner.

The network’s nodes risk their staked LINK based on the quality of the data they provide, and so there is minimal risk of a bad actor being able to game the system, and this data accuracy helps provide a vital function when it comes to the global scale and scope of web 3.0 use cases.

Why you should buy Chainlink?

Chainlink is already widely traded and used extensively across the industry, with many DeFi protocols using Chainlink to retrieve the trading pair values of centralized exchanges. The number of partnerships Chainlink has is unrivaled, and with all data access requiring the native token LINK, it could be a strong investment choice for the future.

What are the risks of investing in Chainlink?

Investing in Chainlink is a risk because, as a project which is already very well known, it requires substantial levels of enterprise adoption to produce big returns at this point. It boasts a partnership with payments giant Swift and so could achieve this, but other alternatives could occur as big TradFi players start to enter the market.

7. Filecoin – Taking on cloud storage providers

What is Filecoin, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

The Filecoin network is a decentralized storage network that offers safe and secure distributed storage for its users. It effectively operates as a decentralized marketplace for storage needs, with all transactions powered by the FIL token.

This allows providers to rent out their storage space in return for FIL crypto coins, and this makes Filecoin a key part of a growing sector of Web 3.0 digital assets which are addressing web infrastructure needs.

Why you should buy Filecoin?

The demand for permanent data storage providers has never been higher as more and more projects look to store data, and a more decentralized web could see more demand to move away from the traditional data center storage provider model.

The Filecoin project also is prepared for the importance of data availability, with specific use cases for video streaming showing the ability of the project to also transmit data quickly and easily.

What are the risks of investing in Filecoin?

Filecoin is up against some of the big players that offer cloud storage space and focus on secure data storage solutions, and wrestling a piece of the market away from the tech giants is easier said than done.

8. The Graph – Indexing the blockchain

What is The Graph, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

The Graph protocol is enabling access to all of the data stored across different blockchain networks, meaning that users data in the dApps and other use cases can easily retrieve specific data in a readily consumable way.

This is achieved through indexing the data, and the GRT token is used to facilitate a host of different roles that make up the project’s ecosystem.

Why you should buy The Graph?

The indexing system used by The Graph enables many different use cases that would otherwise have to host their own nodes for each blockchain network they wish to access. By taking the steps required to organize blockchain data, the project could see demand for the services grow significantly over time — pushing up the price of the GRT token.

What are the risks of investing in The Graph?

As blockchain networks continue to build traction over time, we could see alternatives to The Graph appear. There is also a risk that should the demand for specific services not reach a required threshold, then the GRT incentives may not be enough to ensure the data is available, which could also see competitors swoop in.

9. Uniswap – Leader of the decentralized exchanges

What is Uniswap, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

Uniswap is a decentralized exchange that uses the Ethereum blockchain, and provides users with a means of trading crypto coins without the need for a centralized exchange. The project enables transfers using a trading methodology known as ‘automated market maker’.

Uniswap has proved popular due to the high levels of privacy it provides, and many crypto wallets allow direct access. The project has proved so successful that many similar projects have spawned over time, such as PancakeSwap for the Binance Smart Chain.

Why you should buy Uniswap?

Uniswap is a fantastic example of how projects are innovatively utilizing blockchain technology to provide improved user experiences. As the use of Ethereum grows over time, we could see the volumes of users across Uniswap grow too, meaning price appreciation for the platform’s token, UNI.

What are the risks of investing in Uniswap?

Uniswap is already well known but also faces increased competition both in terms of the layer-1 protocols and other automated market makers. While it remains one of the most widely used platforms when it comes to DEXs, it could struggle to maintain it’s momentum over time.

10. Cosmos – Joining blockchains together

What is Cosmos, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

Cosmos decentralized network-powered interoperability protocol, joining together many different protocols through its own ecosystem of multiple blockchains. It uses a token called ATOM to power the Cosmos Hub, which is central to the ecosystem and allows for staking of tokens in order for holders to earn a passive income.

Why you should buy Cosmos?

The problem of interoperability is a significant one for web 3.0, and many see Cosmos as the most effective solution in the space. If Cosmos can solidify itself as the glue that holds different blockchains together, then all sorts of use cases will need to use the ATOM token standard — whether they cover virtual private network capabilities, cloud-based media streaming, or even just store digital assets.

What are the risks of investing in Cosmos?

Cosmos is betting on many blockchains ultimately being required to meet the use cases of the next generation of the internet. While this could well be the case, should one blockchain end up with the vast majority of market share, then the use case for Cosmos is substantially weakened.

Cosmos also needs to watch out for TradFi players entering the space, as private networks between legal entities could also do away with a key opportunity for growth for the project.

11. Ethereum – The birthplace of smart contracts

What is Ethereum, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

Ethereum is a public permissionless layer-1 protocol that has dominated the decentralized protocols space for years. It boasts the highest number of network users for any decentralized blockchain network and uses the ETH token to power its transaction fees.

Why you should buy Ethereum?

Of all decentralized projects, the Ethereum blockchain is one of the most well-known. With the project also boasting 100% uptime since its launch, it’s a firm favorite for future development. This means that Ethereum is likely to benefit from the growth of crypto for a while, and those looking to create decentralized projects to leverage blockchain technology are always going to consider picking Ethereum, making growth almost a sure-thing for the big player.

What are the risks of investing in Ethereum?

Investing in the Ethereum blockchain is not without its risks, though. The project is among the most well known, and so a great deal of its future potential is already priced in. This means that while ETH could post good returns, it’s unlikely to be able to produce the kind of returns that early stage projects are able to deliver.

12. Solana – A layer-1 protocol with a passionate community

What is Solana, and how does it fit in with Web 3.0?

Solana is a layer-1 protocol that competes with the Ethereum network in the public permissionless space. It uses a novel consensus mechanism known as Proof-of-History and has benefited from a great deal of investment and support from big VC players in the space.

Why you should buy Solana?

The project already has a wide range of projects and use cases live on the network, such as virtual world and the the sale of virtual real estate across Ethereum and Solana exceeded $100 million in just one week of 2021.

If use cases continue to grow and the platform can remain stable and consistent for its growing base of developers, then demand for the SOL token (used for all transaction fees) could continue to grow throughout 2023 and beyond.

What are the risks of investing in Solana?

Solana has seen rapid development, but has been plagued by downtime with several instances of the network requiring a complete stop in order for technical issues to be resolved. This means that many projects are likely to prefer alternatives when choosing where to deploy smart contracts. The market cap is already relatively high as far as layer-1 market caps go, meaning there are likely to be bigger returns found elsewhere.

What is Web 3.0?

Internet users will have seen a huge change in the internet experience over the years, and the steady improvement in user experience is captured by the ‘web’ terminology. Here’s more on the evolution the  web has been through:

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 was the structure of the internet in the early days. Back then, web pages were simple and static, with limited interactivity and user engagement. Web1 was primarily used for information and even had different networks — competing networks — at the earliest stages. This all meant that users could mostly only consume information rather than being able to interact with it or other users.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 emerged in the mid-2000s and refers to the modern internet used today. It is characterized by more interactive and user-centered experiences, with social networking sites, e-commerce platforms, and streaming services all being born out of the Web 2.0 movement. Web2 enabled users to contribute content, collaborate, and interact with each other, leading to a much more connected experience of the internet for users. Web 2.0 has led to an internet with more user generated content.

Web 3.0

Sometimes called the semantic web, Web 3.0 refers to the next generation of the internet, a digital world where information and applications are decentralized — meaning they are not controlled by any single entity or organization.

In Web 3.0, the internet is built on decentralized technologies like blockchain, and this allows for more secure, private, and trustless interactions between users. This is achieved through the use of smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and other decentralized technologies.

One of the key features of Web3 is its focus on user control and ownership of data. Unlike in the traditional world wide web, where data is often controlled by large tech companies, Web3 aims to give users more control over their data and privacy.

Conclusion – What is the best Web 3.0 coin?

The Web 3.0 crypto tokens list covers a number of strong projects, but it’s hard to look beyond Shiba Memu as being the most compelling investment opportunity of the bunch. The high potential of the project coupled with the compelling utility of the token makes for an exciting chance for huge profits.

Related Crypto FAQs

What are the best Web 3.0 coins?

The best Web 3.0 coins all have a lot of potential for future growth, be it through transaction volumes or user numbers. They also need to have a token that is heavily utilized, and the earlier the stage the project is in, the higher the ceiling on the investment.

What crypto will Web 3.0 use?

Web 3.0 looks set to use a whole range of different crypto coins for different purposes. It looks as though in most spaces many different projects will be able to retain a share of the market, presenting lots of opportunity for investors looking to get involved.

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse refers to immersive online worlds that typically aim to create a virtual world in which for a user’s avatar to have experiences. This often involves VR (at least as a future ambition) to maximize the immersion, but also is a focus of Web 3.0 given the benefits of decentralization.

What are Smart Contracts?

Smart contracts are contracts which are written in code, and can be executed in a trustless way. This means that certain actions (and transactions) can be programmatically executed, reducing the need for trusted third parties to be involved.

Are Web3 coins a good investment?

Web 3.0 coins are likely to be a good investment because the space has so much potential but remains in its early stages. It can take many years for the web to mature, and so there are likely to be many good opportunities for big returns in the space.

Where can I buy Web 3.0 coins?

Many centralized exchanges will allow for the purchase and trading of Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies, and projects in their presale stages will usually direct buyers to the website, such as for Shiba Memu.


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