About 9,000 People Received KarmaToken, Did you Miss Out?


KarmaToken gave the following Counterparty assets holders: SJCX, FLDC, Bitcrystals(BCY), Protoxenium, Pepecash, Tokenly, and CTGTOKENS, 511 KTN each of the 9000 wallets. Did you get some?

Disclaimer: This is a press release

KarmaToken Aims to Spread Blockchain Use

KarmaToken is a recently launched crypto-currency, marking the membership of a person to the Good Karma Society. This society fosters various software(APP) projects that will help people learn about blockchain technology.

The society is also currently processing the foundation of a non-profit organization that will have its base in France, which will eventually have their local chapters in other nations with Good Karma Society members.

The funds that will be raised through the said non-profit organization’s activities are being allocated to help in times of particular emergency needs (humanitarian efforts), which the interested members of the society can get involved with in the selection process.

There are for profit projects too that are being initiated by the said society, among them are businesses that are geared towards helping in alleviating the problems done by man with nature, like air and land pollutions, at the same time, aimed to produce alternative-sustainable energy (details will be later revealed once things are set up properly) while also providing jobs to some needy people.

In short, the society will be the concrete realization of Satoshi Nakamoto’s goal of using the Blockchain technology for the betterment of mankind; thru the implementation of transparent governance, crypto as the reward system for works done, as a medium of payment and extending assistance to other people in more ways than one, all powered by KarmaToken (KTN).

Some smaller scale activities of the society will include:

• Online Karma related t-shirt and other gift items store payable in KTN
• Acceptance of KTN as a means of payment on other online stores
• Mobile game/s
• Partnership with other crypto-based online game developers
• Trading App

Therefore, we congratulate those who received a portion of our 4.6 Million KTN airdrop giveaway, we can guarantee you that this will never happen again. Keep your recovery phrases safe and secure, be sure to send them to your own secured email address. You’ll never know how much potential for value-growth those KTN have. Starting March 31, 2017 holders of these tokens will be eligible to receive surprise Bitcoin bonuses from the portion of gains made by the for-profit arm of the society, which will be done every quarter thereafter.

The Good Karma Society aims to be the ambassadors of goodwill among crypto-land, we welcome anyone who would like to get involved in all of what we are trying to do. Only with our good actions can we expect to produce GOOD KARMA.

If you are interested to get some free KarmaToken, you can join our ongoing Indiesquare App installation promo to receive 100KTN right in your mobile devices.

Images courtesy of the Good Karma Society.

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