Bitcoin as a Store of Value: Comparing with Gold and Fiat Currencies

Bitcoin attracts many people for varied reasons. However, due to its increasing value, most people want to own or use Bitcoin. And that’s natural since people want to increase their wealth. Over the years, this cryptocurrency has proven it can help individuals and enterprises grow wealth. However, its volatility has made many people skeptical about its ability to serve as a store of value. Bitcoin is such a gem that you can hold in your portfolio and you can use  Qumas AI for fully automated trading options.

What is a Store of Value?

A store of value maintains its purchasing power, and people can readily exchange it for other things. Thus, a store of value retains the same worth or increases it over time. Also, it should be easy to trade with something else.

Traditionally, people have used fiat currencies like the US dollar, yen, and euro as the store of value. Precious metals like silver and gold have also served as stores of value during human history. That’s because they are relatively scarce, easy to transact with, and have high liquidity and utility.

Does Bitcoin Qualify to Be a Store of Value?

Primarily, Bitcoin was to serve as a digital currency. However, many see it as digital gold or a store of value. Here’s what qualifies Bitcoin to be a store of value:

These attributes qualify Bitcoin as a store of value. Also, they make it a digital currency that you can use to complete daily transactions, such as paying for coffee.

Comparing Bitcoin with Gold and Fiat Currencies

As a store of value, Bitcoin compares to gold and fiat currencies. Here are the primary attributes that make Bitcoin comparable to gold and fiat money.

On the other hand, each store of value needs to catch up in some cases. For instance, Bitcoin’s volatility makes many people argue it doesn’t qualify as a store of value. On the other hand, fiat money doesn’t guarantee users that its value will increase over time. For gold, the only drawback is that it is challenging to verify its authenticity.

Parting Shot

Unlike fiat currencies and gold, Bitcoin is relatively young. Therefore, it’s challenging to determine whether it’s genuinely a good store of value. Nevertheless, Bitcoin has proven its worth by increasing its value over the last two decades. Despite being volatile, the cryptocurrency has made millionaires from people that invested in it early. However, it remains uncertain whether it will become a mainstream store of value.

Image by pattymalajak from Pixabay
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