Bitget Claims Media Statement Incorrect, Awaiting Singapore Licence Approval.


The derivative exchange Bitget issued a statement saying, “a recent report by the Financial Times claiming the platform was suspended from operation in Singapore for being mired in a row involving K-pop band BTS was inaccurate.” Bitget points out that such an incorrect report is highly misleading as it has delivered a false message to its users, partners, and the broader media community.

The exchange clarifies that it has submitted materials to the Monetary Authority of Singapore and is now queuing for a license. There is no such suspension due to any of the reasons described in the news report. Regarding the dispute involving Army coin, Bitget has immediately delisted the token as soon as it spotted its infringement issue. The platform has also asked the project owner to take responsibility for any disputes arising in relation to this matter and protect the rights and interests of users.

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