Coin8 Exchange Unveils Native Token C8C Today, Price Rockets by 200%

Coin8 exchange, specializing in high-leverage futures and perpetual trading, is thrilled to introduce its groundbreaking platform token, C8C. This token is poised to redefine the interaction between users and the platform, ushering in a new era of collaborative governance, sharing, and co-construction in the Web3 space.

C8C is Coin8’s native token, bringing unique benefits to its holders. It offers weekly incentives from platform profits, providing users with a share in Coin8’s success. Moreover, C8C holders gain governance voting rights, enabling them to directly influence the platform’s decisions.

Tokenomics and Distribution

Coin8 has carefully designed the tokenomics of C8C to promote sustainable growth and stability. The total supply of C8C is capped at 1 billion tokens on the Arbitrum blockchain. The distribution plan includes:

Tokens will be released in phases, with specific lock-up periods and release schedules to ensure market stability and long-term growth.

Weekly Incentive Mechanism

A unique aspect of the C8C token is its weekly incentive mechanism. Coin8 will allocate a portion of its net profit fees to an incentive pool:

Incentive Programs

To further boost user engagement and reward top performers, Coin8 will introduce several innovative incentive programs immediately upon launch:

About Coin8

Founded in November 2023 and headquartered in Singapore, Coin8 exchange utilizes cutting-edge AI technology to enhance the trading experience. The Coin8 technical team, boasting seven years of extensive experience in the cryptocurrency exchange sector, ensures top-notch security and efficiency.

Coin8 invites all crypto enthusiasts and traders who value a fair and transparent trading environment to join and benefit from this innovative platform. By leveraging the C8C token, users can actively participate in the platform’s growth and governance, marking a significant shift in the futures trading landscape.






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