Congruent: The Rights of Power and the Governance overall

On January 8th of 2022, the MetaversePro Core team made a huge announcement. They would tally up votes asking Meta token holders to move from the Binance blockchain to the Ethereum blockchain while taking on the new Congruent name. Congruent (formerly MetaversePro) has accepted the challenge of strapping on the boxing gloves and moving up Ranks as a contender in the biggest, baddest DeFi war around, “The Curve Wars.” With a majority vote ruling in favor, Congruent was born.

Congruent will migrate to the Ethereum network to take advantage of the APY pool that Curve/Convex provides, thus providing investors a more attractive APY incentive while providing the opportunity to migrate to the number 2 blockchain in the world. Congruent will utilize their Gaas token to gain Governance over all protocols within, yes, even Curve (CRV).

What is the ‘Curve War’

The Curve war is described as a competition between various protocols that continuously pursue that their preferred pools offer the highest $CRV rewards (‘bribes’). The Curve war is leading to increased buying pressure for $CRV.

Convex is based on Curve finance.

Convex came to solve a straightforward problem: the long lockage period on Curve finance. So instead of locking assets on curve finance, Congruent will lock them on convex, and Convex will lock them on Curve. This way, Congruent can give investors high yields with shorter lockage periods.

The Congruent treasury is stored on Convex Finance, and other protocols.

Because Congruent will lock their assets on convex, this will give them voting power. Voting power means voting on the yield rewards the Congruent pool will receive. Convex is only part of the plan. Congruent will do yield farming with stable coins or LP pairs without impermanent loss. Congruent will lock CVX to vlCVX, accumulate voting power, thus becoming The Rights of Power and the Governance overall.

Here’s an example of the Congruent, Curve, Convex, chain:

Image: Congruent: The Rights of Power and the Governance overall.

Congruent is accumulating top-quality DeFi protocol governance tokens and developing new Governance-as-a-Service products. Because Other governance tokens will back Congruent, Congruent can use these as governance points to exercise Governance over the DeFi ecosystem. As Congruent holds more and more governance power over protocols, mass amounts of rights are acquired, and the Congruent treasury grows even more prominent. Congruent will then begin building the Bridges that connect everything to what they will call The Metaverse. Because of these connections, Congruent will attract many multi-platform investors and be deemed the one-stop center for Governance and the standard of entry for consumers into the DEFI ecosystem.

Imagine what Congruent can do as they gain Governance throughout all areas of this DEFI ecosystem and allocate everything. Equaling the mightiest, most extraordinary DEFI ecosystem on the planet while creating true power and innovation. This innovation sets the stage for endless possibilities of further development.

Congruent will provide the one-stop service for projects/protocols that have a need in voting power/governance rights. Congruent will offer universal entrance into the DeFi ecosystem for all protocols. From People to a business to any other category imaginable, all can participate in the most innovative DeFi ecosystem to date. Congruent will invest in different projects (e.g., Gamefi, NFT, etc.) and DAO-developed projects; this, in turn, provides an opportunity for Congruent to make Gaas the reserve currency of Metaverse.

Congruent will attract many new platform investors and be deemed the one-stop center for Governance and the standard of entry for consumers into the DeFi ecosystem. With having Multi-Governance points, Congruent can now cooperate with different protocols that have voting power. This cooperation will create an opportunity for project cooperation between protocols.

Because Congruent’s Gaas token is Multi-Governance, Congruent will quickly become the one-stop service for projects/protocols which require voting power or governance rights. The Congruent Gass token will be in such a position of power that it will have Power of Governance over all protocols, including but not limited to Curve. As Congruent acquires these protocols, their Governance grows stronger and the treasury grows larger. Imagine what Congruent achieve as the protocol gains Governance Power over the whole DeFi ecosystem. Allocation of everything within equals acquired privilege and control over everything.

As Congruent Gains more Governance, they also gain additional voting Rights, producing more APY while becoming rank number one in all aspects of the Curve wars. Congruent will take on the Convex concept and carry it out throughout the whole DeFi ecosystem. Acquire it all, lock it all up and throw away the key. Congruent will sit on the throne as the right all, own all, know all, the supreme force of the crypto world. How could anyone win a war that they can’t fight? How can anyone contend with Congruent: The Rights of Power and the Governance overall.

Learn more about Congruent:

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