Destiny World and Fortis to Set Destiny Airlines in Motion

Destiny Airlines aims to revolutionize the NFT and Metaverse industry by creating a framework to connect blockchains and projects in the Destiny World and Fortis ecosystems. They solve this with a unique Journey Builder where you can explore the path to other communities on other blockchains or even discover a portal to a Metaverse. Not only will it open up a Gamified NFT playground, but also connect NFTs in adventures and grant access to multiple metaverses by doing simple and advanced tasks.

By completing journeys and adventures you get a Social Identity, Badges and new Rewards and Perks. It also aims to support a seamless flow of native tokens across blockchains, meaning that a coin from a project on one end will be accessible on the other end as a reward or to gain greater utility. Awareness across communities and networks is the key.

In order to prove this concept, Destiny Airlines has decided to create its first array of products, meet CyberChimps and MetaCity. CyberChimps will kick start on Telos Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and will eventually travel across space to end in MetaCity, a metaverse currently being established on Binance Smart Chain. NFTs designed by famous painter Wayne Sheppard, and multiple tokens are planned as first arrays of rewards, these available as well on various markets.

Very obviously, these are interesting times for the metaverse and NFT space as projects connecting through Destiny Airlines will also get access to the Fortis Incubator, where opportunities may be made across the space. The System Token for Destiny Airlines is DAIR and the tokenomics are using well known reflection standards proven to work.

Our mission of bringing utility to hibernating projects has now expanded for tokens, communities, to NFT collections and metaverses.

The Cyber Chimps

NFT Projects are no longer about the art itself alone; they have evolved to something much more powerful. DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, where members all have common goals, with the idea of adding value to the project with the power of the community. As the community and roadmap grow, perks are activated.

Perks can be monthly airdrops, DAIR token airdropped to holders to buy Merch and more NFTs, access to worldwide services and discounts to merchants, plus the ability to leverage your skill set into the DAO. Your CyberChimp is the ultimate companionship inside the multiverse and universe. You might even be capable of carrying it with you in the near future. In other words it can act as a share certificate in a sense. As the project grows and more people enter the ecosystem, the pool of Knowledge, Skill and People becomes accessible to everyone within it and leveraged to create a powerful community with access to different resources.

MetaCity – “bringing the traditional economy to a virtual environment”

MetaCity is an upcoming online NFT platform building an online multiplayer action-adventure game, directing toward an open-world freedom gameplay. The MetaCity project aims to integrate a virtual economy, creating a new business where-by ‘real-world economic’ values are applied. Owners of virtual assets can grant new lifetime licenses through tokenization.

In MetaCity, players have the freedom to explore alone or with friends, work jointly and band together to participate in activities and events. Players can invest in their character through customized appearances, improve their stats, own customized vehicles, purchase property or land and take part in Jobs and activities to earn reputation and MCoin to open up new opportunities to rise in the world. MetaCity will constantly grow and change as new updates are added, creating the first-ever persistent and dynamic metaverse game.

The gameplay in MetaCity starts in a large city, with differentiated suburbs, having different economic values depending on the region. Players can freely move and interact with other players and their environment. MetaCity differentiates from other mainstream MMOs (Massive Multiplayer Online Games) as the currency you earn has a real-world value.

As the city becomes populated, players will have access to various new features to enjoy. These include missions, concerts, attractions, jobs to earn or spend DAIR, the official reserve currency. Players will be able to own businesses from shops, diners, hospitals, discos, and much more to earn profit paid in DAIR.

MetaCity will feature digital Virtual assets in the form of 3D and VR NFTs, being extremely demanded and scarce, These assets will be used in the MetaCity world where players will be able to interact and show off these assets to other players. These will include lands, buildings, businesses, services, accessories and vehicles. Each MetaCity visual asset (NFT), on the MetaCity platform will be visualized as a unique and new digital asset that cannot be duplicated in any way.

All the information regarding the ownership of the NFT will be automatically uploaded to the blockchain. This NFT business model consists of two beneficial relationships: the virtual assets owners and the MetaCity residents, and you may be any of these.

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