Freelancers typically have two main places to post their resume and look for jobs: and While cryptocurrency-specific jobs and resumes are slowing trickling into these outlets, there is no concrete solution for exclusive cryptocurrency work.
Disclaimer: This article was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with Hire Crypto and is not responsible for its products and/or services.
“Our aim is to become the premiere freelance job board for cryptocurrency users,” says Hecht. “We agree that 20% is way too high and even 10% is pushing it. You can upload one resume for free with the option of making it a featured resume for $1, and that’s it as far as Hire Crypto taking a chunk of cash out of your wallet is concerned.”
A major problem other startups with similar goals of Hire Crypto had was there was little to no effort in vetting the posts for obvious scams. This gave the site the appearance that it was inactive and illegitimate, discouraging potential employers and freelancers. Hire Crypto plans on dealing with scams, to protect clients.
“HireCrypto exists because most cryptocurrency jobs boards come across as abandoned sites that are either inactive or riddled with scams. While we might not catch all scammers, we do reserve the right to shut down accounts that turn out to be fraudulent with no refund.”
To support operating costs and expand the functionality of the website, Hire Crypto has launched HIREC Coins on the NXT Platform to support the beta phase. Funds raised during the sale will go directly towards the website; there are already plans for the ever-important escrow service. Users are incentivized to purchase coins as they allow extra perks on the Hire Crypto website, such as discounted job listings or extra bids.
The Original Press Release source is Bitcoin PR Buzz
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Bitcoin PR Buzz has proudly served the PR and marketing needs of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin tech start-ups for over 2 years.