How does the Kuailian Sandbox work

How does the Kuailian Sandbox work

The Kuailian Company is conducting a Sandbox in which you can observe the operation of your system based on Proof of Stake (PoS), which is based on the use of cryptocurrencies of the users, it allows to validate all the transactions carried out to offer a profit margin for all those involved in the process. Today you will see the operation of the Sandbox to have a much clearer idea of the process in which if you get to have participation in the platform you can know exactly how you can obtain benefits from it.

Sandbox operation

Before beginning the explanation of the diagram, it should be noted that the system has 10 customer accounts with 10 wallets for the Kuailian friend plan that will be interconnected with the Sandbox to send and receive the specified amounts of money at any time that is necessary; this is important to show that the system works on a small scale as it will be a simulation that contains all the components of the Kuailian architecture or core system.

To understand the diagram we will start in the box on the upper left

[CC] and the first step goes to the right side.

  1. The purchases of the 10 clients will be remitted in currency ETH (Ethereum) to the wallet “Sandbox Transaction”, of these purchases on 20% going to pay bonus and the 80% it is sent into the system.
  1. Once the ETH (Ethereum) reaches the “transaction” wallet, they take 2 different paths taking into account the aforementioned percentage, one part to the pool wallet and another part to the exchange’s wallet.
  1. When ETH (Ethereum) are on the exchange are immediately switched to TRON currency, Since you will start with a relatively low amount of

Capital as proof, approximately 100,000 dollars, this is so since the TRON can be divided in a much more comfortable way to facilitate all transactions with low amounts and from there the capital evolves with the interest that the said money can produce.

  1. Then these TRON they will be transferred to the staking pool inside the Sandbox; In the pool, you can see the wallets on which the nodes are going to run and you can see the rewards that it produces.
  2. Once these rewards are produced, the system transfers them to a partner exchange to change cryptocurrency again, but now in reverse., from TRON to ETH (Ethereum).
  3. Now the ETH is extracted from the exchange with the automatisms of the system and they will be dispersed through the (Smart Contract) that makes possible an efficient delivery of rewards to all users of the platform, taking into account their participation percentage.
  4. Said smart contract will execute payments to all user portfolios (that is, the 10 clients) that will receive daily residual bonuses for rewards.
  5. Then with all those daily payments the system will execute a massive purchase automatically to redo the process repeatedly and continuously in order to grow the pool that will be based on the Machine Learning and thus base its decision-making taking into account the data collected and offer a competitive advantage in the face of possible market movements.

In conclusion

It is important to mention that the Sandbox of Kuailian also will be used for future legal movements from the month of April in which all defamatory information that has been successfully denied in recent days by the Kuailian team will be taken into account. In this way, its importance in the market is reaffirmed to project sustainable growth over time. If you want to know more about Kuailian and the Sandbox, visit the following links:





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