ICO of Socially Integrated Monetary System SIMS MAINCOIN Started


A crowd-sales campaign (ICO) of socially integrated monetary system based on blockchain technology has officially started. SIMS MAINCOIN integrates new developments in the field of cryptocurrency, adaptation of innovative economic and financial tools.

[Note: This is a press release]

The aim of SIMS MAINCOIN developers is to build an efficient economic system, activate social processes, establish mechanisms of getting profit and developing start-ups in various fields, promote the mass-scale usage of new technologies for establishing new business.


SIMS MAINCOIN is a system with a set of tools in the field of finance, economics, and modern management. By joining the platform, you can find investors and partners, participate the exchange and trade processes in the framework of international politics.

The platform was created as a tool for solving the problems in the business world and promoting start-ups. SIMS MAINCOIN allows users to promote their business ideas and to find investments for projects. Investors, in turn, can make a profit due to startups’ assets growth and profit distribution from them. Additional skills and tools necessary for the success of projects, system owners will be able to get through the so-called “decentralized conglomerate.”


The system will grow on the principle of synergy, collaboration and the formation of partner groups. At the early stage of a system launch, a creation of the world community is very important. SIMS MAINCOIN can be useful for both large investors, companies, and individuals who want to develop their business. The system consists of 6 autonomous platforms that can be used both individually and comprehensively. Different platforms offer different types of activities and profits, respectively. In the system, you may make a profit on the stock exchange, by means of mining cryptocurrency or create your own assets. Becoming a shareholder, you can use the tools in the system and get the opportunity to work on a project that is capable in the long term to impact positively on the transparency of economic relations and transition to an innovative process control systems.

Stages of development

1) the creation of cryptocurrency, technical support

2) introduction of additional businesses (commercial, freelance, training grounds)

3) development of partnership program with international trade networks.

Primarily, this technology involves the development of the peer-to-peer networks, creating marketplaces, community, ecosystems, which are provided with their own currency, communications system, easy transactions, opportunities for development of their projects within the network, the information in the public domain, voting, file-sharing.

Estimation for 2017

2016 was a year of testing and promoting the topic of blockchain in financial, economic and social processes. The global trend is a building ecosystems by means of innovative tools. According to the estimations, 2017 promises to be a year of adaptation of established projects and the implementation of ecosystem functioning in various spheres of economy and finance. Adaptation and development will occur through partnerships, collaborations, forming community, connecting educational programs and media components, business consulting using blockchain technologies and tools for the settlement of partnerships.

By analyzing forecasts of economic market and cryptocurrency market, we can say that projects such as crowd finding    startup-platform social labor exchange, trading platform with auctions and social media will allow creating a large-scale monetary ecosystem. Moreover, internal cryptocurrency MCN will take a good position in the cryptocurrency market within the next year.

ICO is the beginning of social dialogue, the way of talking about development and searching partner. Regardless of the amount of funds raised, the development and adaptation of the system will continue. However, during ICO the first shareholders have the option to purchase the system assets at the discount price.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, SIMS

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