LindaCoin is Trying to Take on The Famous Dogecoin

A new and emerging cryptocurrency called LindaCoin is trying to take on the famous and tongue-n-cheek Dogecoin. 

Lindacoin Takes on Dogecoin

A new cryptocurrency has emerged which is trying to take on Dogecoin. Lindacoin is a new exciting cryptocurrency that is based on the prominent Scrypt algorithm. With its new unique features, the coin is trying to compete with the world-famous cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

LindaCoin is using a hybrid combination of Proof of Work(PoW) and Proof of Stake(PoS) with a 70% pure PoS Block reward phase and an impressive 99% APR. The 2-month old cryptocurrency has a maximum supply of 50 billion coins the cryptocurrency has a stable and growing market cap valuation of over $900,000.

With its unique logo and modern appealing website, LindaCoin is trying to do something different in cryptocurrency space. Some interesting aspects of the LindaCoin cryptocurrency are its unique technological features.

Currently, the LindaCoin wallet is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux.  According to the official Bitcointalk thread, the team is also planning to release a web wallet and mobile wallet for both Android and iOS. With stealth addresses, users are able to send their LindaCoins anonymously and securely. Another interesting feature of the cryptocurrency is the masternodes integration.

Not only do the masternodes allow extremely fast transactions, but they also make sure that the transactions confirm in an instant. And for this reason, masternodes operators are earning 50% of the block awards, which currently is about 32240.42 LINDA.

After recent privacy concerns, many p2p-messaging users are searching for new and alternative ways to message online. The LindaCoin wallet offers a sleek and advanced messaging system that encrypts texts and allows users to send anonymous messages to their contacts.

With its very active and supportive community, the LindaCoin team is hoping to grow their user base and attract more investors to help grow and advance the tech and infrastructure behind the cryptocurrency.

The current long-term goal of the new coin is to effectively compete with the prominent digital cryptocurrency Dogecoin, and actively try to overtake its place on the top-10 cryptocurrency list.

What are your thoughts on LindaCoin? Do you think that it could replace Dogecoin? Let us know in the comments below!

[Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article.]

Images courtesy of LindaCoin, Shutterstock

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