Maincoin Development Team Announces Crowdsale for MCN Token


The Initial coin offering of MCN has started on January 15 2017, and will last for 9 weeks with different parts of the system to be released during the crowdfunding campaign. During the ICO investors will be offered new MCN tokens based on a new Maincoin platform.

[Note: This is a press release]

The platform’s target audience is basically anybody from investors to fund raisers and from shoppers to sellers. As opposed to other similar platforms, which are mostly intended for advanced crypto-users. The project’s developers have always thought that involvement of the mass audience in crypto-industry is of great importance.

To do that the system will have different user interfaces for different parts of the platform to access only part of the whole system. By making it easier to use it, may encourage people to join. Also, by letting end users initially be able to access platform without any need of downloading and installing of a client software for a node. The platform has an alternative option, which is by going to regular site and from there getting an access to all the decentralized features that our platform will be offering.

Our aim is to create an system fully compatible with the current user experience.

The Maincoin places emphasis on ease of use and providing end user with a familiar interface of centralized services like crowdfunding platforms, online shopping, social networks and other accounts.

There is a limit of $23 750 500 on maximum funds that can be collected during the ICO, however that amount could not be counted as a specific goal, that restriction is strictly for security purposes.

Funds collected during the MCN crowdsale will be spent on future Maincoin platform development, release of the first version of the platform and popularization of the Maincoin platform amount potential users.

Published Maincoin development team’s white paper describes in details all the exciting features and possibilities of the Maincoin blockchain platform.

The backing campaign will run up to March 15, 2017 during which people will have the unique opportunity to purchase their MCN tokens and helping to make Maincoin the leading platform for the whole cryptocurrency system with out own new and exciting stores, crowdfunding, social network and other platforms, and to share in the successes of the Maincoin platform that started it all.

All 16 180 339 887 MCN tokens will be created and distributed among 100 accounts at the time the genesis block is forged.

All coins will gradually move to the administrator’s account of one of the system platforms (Starfish.Network), where in exchange for their shares of that platform shareholders will receive MCN tokens. This will be the only way for additional MCN tokens to get into circulation, with the exception of tokens, which will be distributed as follows

– 2 584 000 000 tokens reserved for distribution through the ICO

– 1 618 033 988 reserved to reward early adopters.

– 809 016 994 tokens reserved for the benefit of strategic partners and developers after the ICO

– 485 410 196 tokens were reserved for charitable activities.

The remaining tokens will be distributed among the shareholders in proportion to the number of Starfish.Network shares in their account. Shareholders will be able to perform the exchange by login to their Starfish.Network account.

The base price of the token during the ICO $ 0.01 per token.

Discounts for early adapters:

ICO will end on March 15, or the sale of 2,584,000,000 tokens.

We will follow the launch of the ICO, which begins on January 15, 2017. Upper limit is set at $23,750,500 so there is no reason to fear that crowdsale will be over in a few minutes after the start. However, those who take part in the earlier part of the crowdsale will receive a discount of up to 80% that will be decreasing as crowdfunding campaign progressing.

About MainCoin

In 2016 was completed development of the first beta version of a decentralized monetary system with the system of highly liquid cryptocurrency, a platform for start-ups, business simulations and training. Platform also provides an alternative media platform with the ability to monetize cryptocurrency, as well as highly functional market system.

The system consists of several independent platforms.

1. Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) – StarFishNetwork, constructed as swarm intelligence with franchising program (with system for building business networks and construction of program bonuses).

2. Multi-currency monetary MainCoin system with built-in Exchange and the current highly liquid cryptocurrency MCN.

3. Crowdfunding platform.

4. New innovative media platform based on blockchain – for external and internal communications and internal reputation network with a system of file sharing and chat bot system.

5. Remote learning platform – webinar type of platform with a business incubator for start-ups promotion, analytics, forecasting and business modeling.

6. Decentralized peer to peer marketplace. Our trading platform has combined all the benefits of an online store, classified boards and online auctions.

The user can make changes to the system through the development of their own business and making of suggestions. System is built as an open system and can be integrated with other platforms.

The user can start from any part of the platform and than gradually learn about other parts of a platform. He can receive bonuses from different programs and exchange trading, cryptocurrency exchange, content placement, attraction of investments for startups and raise funds for crowdfunding ideas.

In order to become one of the first participants please visit the website / fill out the following Google form, and stay up to date of all the important news.

Starting shortly!

Images courtesy of MainCoin

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