MEXC Interviews ChatGPT: Although I Am Not Humorous, I Know How to Make 10 Million

ChatGPT is a chatbot from OpenAI. It became instantly famous, with more than 1 million users within the first five days after launch. Even Elon Musk said, “many people are crazy about ChatGPT.

MEXC, the world’s leading cryptocurrency trading platform, asked 20-odd questions to the bot and came to the conclusion that it isn’t as brilliant as a BB-8 (Star Wars) or a TARS (Interstellar) fan would have expected.

It couldn’t predict the next bull run in crypto, tell how to buy Bitcoin on MEXC, or even tell about MEXC. It couldn’t understand or create humor and gave completely different answers to complex questions.

However, it knew Satoshi Nakamoto and had some insights on “How to make $10 Million in the Blockchain Industry?”

The following is the Q&A with ChatGPT selected by MEXC.

MEXC: You must know Satoshi Nakamoto, right? Can you help us find him?

ChatGPT: Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by the unknown person or group of people who created the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. Because I am a machine learning model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the ability to interact with the real world or track the whereabouts of specific individuals. Additionally, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to definitively identify the person or group behind the pseudonym. There have been many theories and speculation about the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, but at this time, the person or group remains unknown.

MEXC: Do you think the crypto market has reached the bottom at the moment? When will the market reversal occur?

ChatGPT: As a machine learning model, I do not have the ability to predict the future movements of financial markets, including the cryptocurrency market. Financial markets are complex and can be influenced by a wide variety of factors, many of which are difficult to predict. Additionally, I do not have the ability to access external information sources or update my knowledge, so my information is limited to what I was trained on. It is always best to consult with a financial professional or conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

MEXC: How to earn 10 million in the blockchain industry?

ChatGPT: Earning 10 million in the blockchain industry may be possible, but it is important to remember that all investments carry risk and there is no guarantee of success. To earn 10 million in the blockchain industry, it may be necessary to take a number of steps, including:

Ultimately, the key to earning 10 million in the blockchain industry is to have a clear plan, a strong understanding of the market, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. However, it is important to remember that earning large amounts of money is not guaranteed, and it is essential to carefully evaluate any potential opportunities and risks before making any decisions.

MEXC: Which public chain network are you most optimistic about? Why?(Note:We used Chinese and English to ask this question separately, but when asked in English, ChatGPT said that it did not know the answer)

ChatGPT: The public chains that I am most optimistic about are Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bitcoin is the most successful cryptocurrency in history, while Ethereum is a decentralized application platform with smart contract development function.

MEXC: What changes will the development of Web3 bring to human life?

ChatGPT: Web3, also known as the decentralized web or the next-generation internet, is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the internet. Web3 is based on decentralized, peer-to-peer networks, and it enables users to interact directly with each other and with applications, without the need for intermediaries or centralized servers. The development of Web3 has the potential to bring many changes to human life, including:

MEXC: How can on-chain games surpass traditional games and attract more players?

ChatGPT: On-chain games, also known as blockchain games, are video games that use blockchain technology to enable players to own and trade unique, digital assets. These games have the potential to surpass traditional games in several ways. First, on-chain games can offer players true ownership and control over the digital assets they acquire within the game. This is not possible in traditional games, where the assets are owned and controlled by the game developer. Second, on-chain games can enable players to trade their assets on secondary markets, allowing them to potentially generate value from their in-game activities. This can provide an additional layer of engagement and reward for players, and can help to attract and retain a larger player base. Finally, on-chain games can provide a higher level of security and transparency, as all transactions are recorded on a decentralized, public ledger. This can help to build trust and confidence among players, and can make the games more appealing to a wider audience.

MEXC: How to find Alpha opportunities in the crypto industry?

ChatGPT: Alpha is a term used in finance to refer to the excess returns generated by an investment or trading strategy, relative to a benchmark or market index. In the cryptocurrency industry, alpha opportunities may arise from a variety of factors, including market inefficiencies, shifts in investor sentiment, and emerging technologies or applications. To find alpha opportunities in the crypto industry, it is important to stay up to date on the latest developments in the market, conduct thorough research, and identify areas where there may be potential for excess returns. It may also be helpful to consult with a financial professional or experienced trader who has expertise in the cryptocurrency market. However, it is important to remember that all investments carry risk, and it is essential to carefully evaluate any potential opportunities before making any decisions.

MEXC: How to build a DAO with efficient operation and effective governance?

ChatGPT: A DAO, or decentralized autonomous organization, is a type of organization that is run using blockchain technology and smart contracts. A DAO is designed to operate without the need for a central authority or leadership, and decisions are made using a set of pre-defined rules and protocols. To build a DAO with efficient operation and effective governance, it is important to carefully design the rules and protocols that will govern the organization. This may involve defining the roles and responsibilities of participants, establishing decision-making processes, and implementing mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency. Additionally, it is essential to carefully consider the potential challenges and risks associated with operating a DAO, and to develop strategies to address these issues. This may include implementing security measures to protect against hacking or fraud, and designing mechanisms to resolve disputes or conflicts within the organization.

MEXC: Do you know the metaverse? What can we do in the metaverse?

ChatGPT: The metaverse is a term used to describe a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of the internet, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. In the metaverse, users can interact with each other and with virtual objects and environments in a seamless and immersive way. The exact nature and capabilities of the metaverse are still being explored and developed, but it is likely that users will be able to engage in a wide range of activities, including socializing, gaming, education, and commerce. The metaverse has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with each other and with the digital world, and it could have far-reaching implications for a variety of industries and fields.

In summary: The answers were undoubtedly interesting but were monotonous and hardly conversational, suggesting room for further improvements in near future.


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

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