Stabble: First Frictionless Liquidity and Trading Layer Built on Solana

Liquidity is the engine room of cryptocurrency transactions. Lack of liquidity can easily kill any cryptocurrency swap and trigger some losses on the part of the trader.

Countless DEXs face the problem of insufficient liquidity thereby leaving traders with unpleasant tales to tell. Stabble is specifically designed to address this trading monster and ensure that traders have enough liquidity to enable them exchange crypto assets with ease.

This puts Stabble in a vantage position to harness the opportunities in the crypto market worth trillions of dollars. They can easily benefit from the cryptocurrency market valued at $2.55 trillion.

How Stabble Will Solve The Liquidity Problem

DEXs are still burgeoning and find it hard to compete favorably with CEXs in terms of availability of funds. While the existing exchanges are doing their best, there’s still the need for a new type of decentralized exchange with sufficient liquidity.

Stabble is positioning itself to be the industry’s leading DEX by offering ~20% APY thereby helping to prevent arbitrage-driven TVL drain. With an expert team that has successfully built DeFi protocols with $1.8+ billion TVL, Stabble will bring stability to this sector.

Stabble comes with efficient liquidity, as it needs 80% less liquidity unlike its counterparts that are hardly supported with adequate funding.

Stabble also guarantees low price impact, enabling large swaps with a max price impact of 0.2%. With sufficient funding, this DEX easily enables liquidity bootstrapping through 20/80 pools and adjustable fees.

Milestones and Achievements

Stabble has made noticeable achievements in various aspects of finance and social follows. Its active monthly users currently stand at 6,000, while its on-chain data is $93 million 24-hour peak volume, and $33 million constant TVL.

Stabble has recorded tremendous growth in its social circles as it currently has 50,000 X followers and 16,000 Discord members within a short timeframe.

Team of Experts

Stabble’s team is made up of people with enviable records, who have been tested and are on their mettle to show that they can handle great projects such as this.

Killian, CEO: Highly experienced in the financial and crypto sectors. Kilian has educational backgrounds in Applied Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering, former worker at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, advisor to over 15 crypto projects and co-creator of an IDO launchpad. LinkedIn.

Keisuke, CTO: Former engineer at Marinade Finance (reached $1.8B TVL) and former CTO of OneRing Finance. Keisuke has a B.Sc. in Software Engineering. GitHub | LinkedIn

Lennart, CPO: Ph.D. candidate in Finance and specializing in Behavioral Finance and DeFi Inefficiencies. LinkedIn

Holmes, Full-stack Developer: Former Full-stack Developer at OneRing Finance, Parasol Finance, and Expaus Inc  GitHub

Investors and Partners

Stabble is into partnership with various brands to help in actualizing its dream of providing frictionless liquidity.  Some of the brands that are partnering Stabble include DuckDAO, Founder Heads, Masterblox, Dynamic Fund, vt3 Ventures, ZEMU VC, Gemhead Capital, Spicy Capital, Marshland Capital, AngelBlock, and others.


Stabble’s launchpads consist of Poolz Finance, Enjinstarter, Sparta DEX, and Trust Swap.

Market Maker: Skynet


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