The First Functioning Version: DISCIPLINA Alpha

“While most of the so-called “leaders” and founders of blockchain projects are taking crypto-cruises around the world, asking for money for posting photos on the websites of yet another “ICO dreamer”, my team is working”, – said Ilya Nikiforov, the founder of DISCIPLINA – a blockchain that serves to create a unified profile, storing verified data on personal academic and career achievements.

This statement coincided with the launch of the blockchain Alpha-version. It currently includes the following apps:

Faucet – an instrument that allows access to a fixed amount of free DSCP tokens to facilitate transactions within the DISCIPLINA alpha blockchain, and allows to create a paper wallet for their storage. It will allow to make transactions using the paper wallet data, for example, through Ariadne.

Ariadne – a simple yet effective wallet, which allows a user to track their balance within the DISCIPLINA alpha blockchain, send and receive test DSCP tokens, and backup and restore wallet data.

Block Explorer – an instrument that allows to find and track blocks of the DISCIPLINA network in real time, as well as to view their contents and the technical information on the transactions within it.

According to Ilya, “this is only the first functioning version of the product. Not all the aspects are fixed as they should be, and sometimes the platform isn’t working properly. But it is still much better than what 99% of the projects that have run ICOs currently have or will have in the future.”

At the end of September, the team plans to add two more applications to the Alpha-version functionality: the Student app and the Educator app. These will help teachers and students interact with the DISCIPLINA blockchain.

To test the Alpha-version applications, go to the DISCIPLINA website or follow the link:

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