The Rise of Notcoin and Uxlink: An On-Chain Data-Driven Look at WEB3 Mass Adoption

The Web3 landscape continues to evolve rapidly, with new projects emerging that boast impressive user growth and novel tokenomics. This analysis explores two such projects: NOTCOIN, a Telegram-based game utilizing “Tap-to-Earn” mechanics, and UXLINK, a social platform fostering Web3 connections through “Link-to-Earn.” Both projects prioritize mass adoption, achieving significant user bases within a short timeframe.

NOTCOIN: Gamified “Tap-to-Earn” on the TON Blockchain

NOTCOIN leverages the popular Telegram ecosystem to introduce a gamified “Tap-to-Earn” experience. This lightweight mining approach has proven successful, attracting over 10 million users before the exchange listing. Recently, NOTCOIN secured listings on prominent centralized exchanges (CEXs), boasting a fully diluted market capitalization of approximately $1.2 billion. Analyzing on-chain data from the TON blockchain reveals a steady increase in token holders, surpassing 1 million since launch. While pre-listing data indicates roughly 220,000 holders, the project has witnessed significant growth post-listing. Despite an initial surge, active user data suggests a downward trend, with the main range falling between 300,000 and 500,000 in the days following the token generation event (TGE).

UXLINK: Building a Social Web3 Network through “Link-to-Earn”

UXLINK takes a different approach, focusing on social interaction and community building within Web3. Their “Link-to-Earn” model incentivizes users to connect with others, fostering a robust network of over 7 million registered users. Additionally, UXLINK incorporates acquaintance groups, catering to user preferences and facilitating meaningful connections. While off-chain data verification requires further exploration, on-chain analysis through Dune reveals over 4 million UXLINK asset holders and a significant NFT user base exceeding 1.4 million. Public information suggests NFTs serve as exclusive airdrop eligibility for high-engagement users, indicating a potential token holder base comparable to

NOTCOIN’s post-listing size (around 1.4 million). Notably, UXLINK boasts impressive on-chain active user metrics, surpassing 500,000 daily users with a steady 7-day and 30-day user growth.

Comparative Analysis and Tokenomics

A detailed business analysis is beyond the scope of this comparison due to the projects’ distinct sectors. However, by examining on-chain data and token allocation strategies, we can identify potential drivers behind their mass adoption success. NOTCOIN allocates a significant portion (78%) of its token supply to miners and voucher holders through “Tap-to-Earn,” reflecting the gamified nature of the project. Conversely, UXLINK dedicates 65% of its tokens to community contributors, developers, and those participating in “Link-to-Earn” and “Build-to-Earn” initiatives. This distribution reinforces UXLINK’s focus on fostering a user-driven social network.


NOTCOIN and UXLINK represent innovative projects within Web3, each achieving impressive user growth through unique and engaging tokenomics. While both projects cater to different niches, analyzing their on-chain data and token distribution strategies offers valuable insights into the potential drivers of mass adoption within the Web3 space.

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