Top Universities in Texas See Exam Success with AI Essay Detector Tools at UT, SMU, and UTD


Even in a modern academic setting, computers and calculators are feared as machines that reduce a student’s ability to perform menial tasks without them. Never mind the fact that computers, calculators, and other technical achievements are available in anyone’s pocket. Every tool that threatens to change the status quo is heralded as a step toward human obsolescence, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The newest advancement to be developed is AI, and this resource has been met with fear and scrutiny like no other. Though it offers unprecedented potential to increase productivity and streamline workflow, universities in Texas and around the world mark tools like AI essay generators as plagiarism.

Kipper’s Undetectable AI

Image sourced from Kipper AI.

Kipper AI is a tool designed especially for assisting students in their coursework and has seen remarkable success in Texas universities such as UT, SMU, and UTD. The AI essay writer is made to improve overall efficiency and see better results from one’s own work. Since the human mind is ultimately the information provider, and that knowledge has to come from somewhere, AI is merely a resource for realizing those ideas.

As AI continues to innovate and expand in its impressive productivity, schools have responded by turning to AI checkers such as Turnitin and GPTZero. Using these methods, student writing is scrutinized, and often comes up as AI even when it has not been written using an AI essay generator, frustrating even students who try to limit themselves to the status quo to appease professors. Schools are restricting resources which could enable students to develop exciting new ideas by employing these detectors.

Why Kipper Created the Best AI Writer for Essays

Kipper AI recognizes the incredible potential of AI technology and is frustrated by the imposed limitations from even technical universities. They believe that students should be able to familiarize themselves with new, emerging technologies before they become a mainstay of the modern world, getting an edge on their competition. Because of this, Kipper AI has developed the best AI writing tool available, not only able to write compelling essays, but capable of bypassing detectors and appearing human to Turnitin and GPTZero.

Kipper AI offers a plagiarism-free essay writer, enabling students to deliver high-quality essays in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Alongside their AI essay writer, Kipper AI also incorporates an AI detector tool for essays into its own program, allowing students to identify where their work may be detected as AI and reworking those sections until the essay bypasses detection. Using Kipper AI, students at Texas universities have avoided any fears of having their work invalidated by AI checkers in the first place.

Services Beyond Its AI Essay Detector

Image sourced from Kipper AI.

Kipper AI offers a wide variety of services in addition to its essay writing and AI detection tools. Kipper AI also features a Chat Bot Tutor which identifies answers in PDFs and YouTube videos, as well as other sources. An AI summarizer is available for a similar purpose, creating concise and informative statements out of lengthy readings and watch times. They also have an AI text enhancer to expand simple sentences or paragraphs to make them sound better and provide details you may have missed.

Undetectable AI for the Sake of Progress

Innovation is the driving factor of the world, and avoiding progress for the sake of traditional methods is only limiting what students will be able to achieve in the future. Kipper AI’s ability to bypass detection enables students to fully make use of AI technology and embrace a forward-moving world.


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Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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