What Sheepy Offers to the Gambling Industry

The rapidly growing gambling industry requires new payment solutions to address its challenges. Cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency payment gateways, like Sheepy, can enhance cash flow efficiency into gambling platforms and improve customer experience with gaming services.

However, online gambling and betting development face challenges, particularly when accepting online payments from players. Difficulties arise even at the stage of integrating payment gateways. Payment processors often deem gambling merchant accounts high-risk, leading to transaction fees as high as 15% to 20%, significantly higher than the standard 1% to 2% processing fee for online stores. Furthermore, some customers maliciously request chargebacks after losses, disputing legitimate transactions with issuing banks or payment processors. Such chargebacks are costly for businesses, resulting in lost revenue, additional fees, and reputational damage. Gambling platforms often need to demonstrate the legitimacy of payments, with funds being frozen during proceedings, sometimes lasting up to 6 months.

Cryptocurrency responds to both of these challenges and serves as an effective prevention tool, which simultaneously reduces the cost of payment processing and successfully counteracts malicious chargebacks. The largest gambling and betting platforms are one by one introducing payment acceptance in Bitcoin, altcoins and stablecoins, turning to cryptocurrency payment gateways instead of traditional financial institutions.

Sheepy offers comprehensive, user-friendly crypto payment processing software that supports major cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, USDT (ERC20) Tether, TRON, USDT (TRC20) Tether, and XRP. Sheepy not only accepts cryptocurrency payments but also provides additional features:

Unlike other payment gateways, Sheepy works with fixed transaction fees and does not limit the number of monthly transactions and daily settlements.

The process of cryptocurrency payment gateway implementation is much faster than communication with developers of traditional payment solutions. One needs to create an account at Sheepy platform and fill out a simple form with information about the business. Onboarding procedures are fully automated and do not take much time. After registration, the merchant immediately gets access to the test environment and API documentation.

Every year, cryptocurrency payment gateways offer businesses more opportunities to improve the management of payment flows. Now crypto gateways are not just about accepting payments in cryptocurrency, but they also offer many other tools that increase the efficiency of gambling platforms without distracting them from their main mission – creating entertainment and gaming experience for their players.


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