At 4:20pm Denver time CCC is announcing the Crypto Cannabis Conference (CCC) 2016 is hosting its second annual event in Denver, Colorado on October 21-22, 2016. The conference is special in that it works to connect the cannabis and cryptocurrency industries. While Marijuana laws have been changing at the state level, with almost half of the United States adopting medical use statutes, the plant remains illegal at the federal level. Conflicting laws have made it difficult for businesses in the cannabis industry to get proper banking services. Many banks
Also Read: Denver, Colorado to Hold Crypto Cannabis Conference
While some credit unions and small banks serve cannabis businesses under secrecy, there is still a financial divide between legal cannabis businesses and the mainstream economy. Bitcoin can help fill that gap. By accepting bitcoin and using it up and down supply chains, marijuana businesses will have access to a secure financial system that is just as effective as traditional banking — if not more.
Crypto Cannabis Conference 2016: Bitcoin, Legalization and the Law
Robert Stephan started the CCC to bring together the two budding industries. He has included the fintech industry as well, bringing on speakers who are knowledgeable about the benefits of cryptocurrency. There are many different providers of not only point of sale systems but also debit card, tax software and cold storage systems for a businesses financial ease of use.
Hangout Chats as well as in person presentations at CCC 2016
Last year, Roger Ver, Caleb Chen, Tone Vays, Joby Weeks, Arie Y Levy Cohen, Manny Perez, Jerry David Chan, Dr. Daniela Vergara spoke at the conference, and also participated in a Google Hangout. Roger Ver had this to say about the Cannabis and Bitcoin industry fitting together.
Any industry that’s having a hard time dealing with traditional banks is a prime target for Bitcoin adoption. The medical marijuana industry falls directly in this camp.
Earlier this year, CCC hosted a Bitcoin Q&A panel at the Cannacon meeting in Seattle, moderated by Caleb Chen.
Many speakers are slated to present at CCC 2016, covering topics aimed at the conference’s two main goals:
- Educating newcomers on the basics of cryptocurrency. During the conference’s morning session, attendees will be able to participate in hands-on exercises to get a feel for how Bitcoin works.
- Exploring compliance, accounting methods and anti-money laundering measures.
Derek Porter, CEO, Security Grade Solutions.
Carl Lehburger, Founder PureVision, Technology, Inc.
Peter Klamka, Managing Partner, Bitcoins Direct, llc
Michael Tew, CEO, Cannasys, Inc.
Kevin McKernan, Medicinal Genomics
Joseph Ciccolo, President, BitAML, Inc.
David B. Bush, Esq. David’s Law
Adella Toulon-Foerster, Legal Professional. Blockchain/bitcoin/crypto advocate, Current
Cogent Law Group,
Edgar Hamm, Grow Hemp Colorado, Co-founder of Hempslist and 1620 Solutions
At the end of each day, a Q&A panel will be hosted where attendees can ask industry experts anything they want.
The Crypto Cannabis Conference for 2016 is a must go event. Ticket information can be found on the CCC website.
Are you going to the Crypto Cannabis Conference this year? Let us know in the comments section.
Images courtesy of CCC2016,,