Digital Currencies Council (DCC) opens Bitcoin Certification Program


As the crypto currencies continue to make their entry into the financial world, more and more professionals are coming into contact with it. This growing tendency calls for a standardized base of knowledge for the bitcoin industry to draw upon. To level this demand the Digital Currency Council (DCC) strives to offer the proper certification for professionals acting in this new field.

The launch of the Digital Currency Council is seen as an exciting and timely step for crypto currency, and everyone who will become involved with it.
Similar standards-based professional organizations have been critical to the functioning of our traditional economy, and there is no doubt that the Digital Currency Council will play an important role in the emerging crypto currency economy.

The Digital Currency Council supports the development of professionals in the digital currency economy. The firm offers a membership which includes four core services, including: skills and competency training curriculum; globally recognized standards-based certification process; practice support program that facilitates client relationships; and marketing support service that drives new business for our members. The DCC works with leaders in their respective professions who seek to capture the opportunity presented by digital currencies.
The DCC Certification is similar to other certifications for other professional groups, in order to assure clients that the professional has the expected level of competence. Certifications will provide a benchmark for evaluating skill and professional value while implementing the first set of standard requirements to professionals working on the digital currencies environment.

There is a significant and growing opportunity for professionals in the digital currency economy. DCC feels like the industry is going through its infancy and that there will be a constant need to improve the quality and prestige of these certifications, where holders of the DCC certification can present to clients that they are held to a higher standard of knowledge and ethics adding credibility and structure to the ongoing growth of digital currencies
The development of digital currencies will have as much an impact, if not a greater impact, on society as did the internet. It will be the Decentralization Revolution of Digital currencies to change the manner through which goods and services can be purchased, and by which business can be transacted across the globe. The internet offered instant open-source global communication and information exchange, and now digital currency offers the same open access for decentralized financial exchange. The future of the digital currency economy will be molded by the professionals who step up today.
As millions of individuals, businesses and investors are already actively engaged with digital currencies; and as governments begin to share guidance and promulgate regulations – there is no shortage of demand for competent professional advice. Yet there are an inadequate number of professionals who have invested the significant time necessary to get educated on this new area of practice. And consumers of these professional services are left wanting for clarity with regards to the skills and experience of their prospective advisors.

Governments at all levels are attempting to keep pace with the growth of digital currency, and are reacting with a variety of definitions, laws and regulations in an attempt to fit digital currency into existing frameworks. This dynamic presents significant challenges to any professional seeking to guide clients through the perilous, unclear, and evolving landscape.
The DCC will help professionals efficiently separate fact from fiction; equipping them to advise individual consumers, merchants, and investors. Further, it will provide a mark that will enable consumers of professional services to identify and engage advisors with the requisite expertise and commitment to ethical conduct.

The DCC is offering professionals a means to obtain the knowledge and skills required of professionals in the digital currency economy, along with a respected credential that will identify their unique expertise.

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Photo source 1:facebook
Photo source 2:ibtimes
Photo source 3:DCC

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