New Zealand — December 23, Bitcoin enthusiast and Mega Upload creator Kim Dotcom can now be extradited to the United States. Dotcom with three others face U.S. authorities for transgressions of money laundering, copyright infringement and other charges. The current resident of New Zealand has been battling the courts now for quite some time and won’t be creating new projects anytime soon.
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“The company has suffered from a hostile takeover by a Chinese investor who is wanted in China for fraud. He used a number of straw-men and businesses to accumulate more and more Mega shares. Recently his shares have been seized by the NZ government. Which means the NZ government is in control.” — Kim Dotcom
“My team and I just had a good read of today’s court decision. Its weak and a Christmas gift in disguise. Woohoo!! #Appeal” — Kim Dotcom
Thank you for your support. The fight goes on. Enjoy the holidays. I'm happy to be with my kids. There are bigger things than copyright :-)
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 23, 2015
With the court case hanging over Dotcom’s head he has seemed quite optimistic via social media. His Meganet creation was to be powered by Bitcoin technology and censorship resistant for the masses. He explains, “How would you like a new Internet that can’t be controlled, censored or destroyed by Governments or Corporations? I’m working on it — MegaNet.” But now his design of a new Mega platform may have to wait and he may be traveling to the United States to face the justice system very soon. The Auckland Judge presiding over Dotcom’s case said there was a “large body of evidence” against the New Zealand defendant. Dotcom’s U.S. lawyer reveals to this broadcast that the extradition case may be taken to the Supreme Court and last up to four years. With that time frame maybe it’s possible he could complete Meganet? Bitcoinist will keep our readers up to date with any latest developments with this case.
What do you think about the charges against Kim Dotcom? Let us know in the comments below.
Images via Reuters, Kim Dotcom’s Web Site, and Wiki-Commons