Inside Bitcoins is excited to host its next bitcoin event on July 10-11 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. The 2-day event will take place at the Navy Pier and feature the most pertinent bitcoin topics. Some of the sessions will be on blockchain-based Startups, investing, security and risk mitigation, fintech innovation, Bitcoin for non-profits, and mobile payments.
Also Read: Bitcoin Meetup Growth Around The World (April 20th – May 19th 2015)
Perhaps one of the most exciting elements of Inside Bitcoins is the opportunity to be an audience to such amazing speakers. Among the scheduled speakers are Jim Blasko, Co-Founder of CryptoMarket; Connie Gallippi, Founder and Executive Director of the BitGive Foundation; Bobby Lee, CEO and Founder of BTC China; and Matthew Roszak, Founding Partner of Tally Capital.
US and Beyond: Current Regulatory Examinations and Enforcement Actions
July, 11 2015 Day 2
The session will be moderated by Joe Ciccolo, Founder and President of BitAML. Joe Ciccolo is a leading expert on regulation and compliance for businesses and startups and is also a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and Anti-Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA). BitAML provides BSA/AML compliance services to digital currency startups.
Why AML certifications Are Important for Bitcoin Companies
Joe Ciccolo stresses the importance of AML certifications as they apply to digital currency companies:
“Setting up an AML compliance program is a must for digital currency exchanges, BTMs and others. Building an AML program should begin on or even before Day 1. As we’ve seen in the recent enforcement action with Ripple Labs, the piecemeal building of one’s AML program over time is not acceptable to regulators. In fact, FInCEN Director Calvary has stated publicly on numerous occasions that digital currency businesses are MSBs and will be held to the same standard as legacy players.”
Digital currency compliance services, such as BitAML, help startups build an AML program that’s right for their business. BitAML provides BSA/AML compliance services to digital currency startups. Joe states:
“Regulators have been quick to spot “cut-and-paste” and DIY compliance programs, as have many trading and other community platforms. Unfortunately, some digital currency businesses have spent precious time writing and developing an AML program only to later find out they must have it professionally prepared. The value of our expertise and regulatory compliance education throughout the building process is invaluable.”
This type of service, he says, saves businesses precious time, which can be used for growing and innovating, rather than figuring out regulation and compliance on their own.
Inside Bitcoins Startup Competition
As if Inside Bitcoins wasn’t already exciting enough, a startup competition will be held for startups and entrepreneurs to pitch their bitcoin business ideas and strategies. This event will take place on July 10, Day 2 of the event. A panel of judges will choose one winner who will be awarded $1000 dollars, a featured speaking slot for a future Inside Bitcoins conference, and a free consultation with an industry influencer. Interested startups should e-mail Find out more on the Inside Bitcoins Chicago event or sign up here.
Will you attend the Inside Bitcoins Chicago conference? Let us know in the comments below!
Images: Inside Bitcoins