A Telegram channel about trading crossed the 3 million subscribers mark in Telegram, making it one of the biggest and fastest-growing media about trading and stock market. It’s managed by V3V Ventures, a fund that’s actively investing in Telegram usernames. One of the usernames acquired was @trade, and the fund used it to create an active public channel.
Telegram started off in 2013 as a private messenger, but later added the “public channel” functionality. Anyone can subscribe to a particular channel, getting all the news right in the dialogues list. That led to a “media industry” inside Telegram: the most successful channels have millions of subscribers.
Later Telegram started to integrate TON blockchain. The usernames, which can be tied to specific private accounts or public channels, became implemented as NFTs on TON. It means now anybody can trade them, just like with other NFTs. A new website fragment.com was created to help doing it. It uses the auction system, so the best usernames can go to a highest bidder in an open and transparent way.
V3V fund acquired some of those usernames, such as @startups or @cryp. As everyone can check on Fragment, @trade was bought for 245,000 Toncoins. Nowadays the price of Toncoin usually is around $5, so that sum of Toncoins currently has a dollar value of more than one million dollars.
Some of people who buy Telegram usernames as a form of investment don’t really use them, just waiting for the price to rise so they can flip it. But V3V chose a different approach: they tied the acquired usernames to Telegram channels and started to post fitting content in those channels. So @anime is not just a taken username, but a media resource about Japanese animation.
The same goes with @trade: there’s info about stock market and trading. Unlike many other trading-related channels, @trade doesn’t promise “we’ll maje you rich soon by saying how to trade”. Instead of cheap sensationalism, it posts serious news related to the market situation.
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