A Singapore-based venture fund used a public Telegram channel to tell about their latest in the crypto startups. What makes this situation unusual is that the channel itself is a form of investment. Its username @buzz is an NFT bought for 5,050 Toncoins.
Telegram usernames became easily tradeable assets in 2022. Integration with the TON blockchain allowed Telegram to implement them as NFTs, and a special website called Fragment was launched to help people trade them. Users can start auctions on Fragment, selling their usernames to the highest bidder.
V3V Ventured started investing in good-looking usernames, such as @trade and @startups. It assigned those usernames to public Telegram channels, posting on the specific topic in each one. And one of them, @buzz, is used by V3V partner “Mr. Buzz”. Unlike others channels owned by V3V, it doesn’t just post news about some topic: Mr. Buzz shares his own experience and V3V news.
Among those news were investments made by V3V:
- BitLayer, a layer-2 solution for Bitcoin. 16 years after it was introduced, Bitcoin is still a very popular cryptocurrency, but it lacks some capabilities such as supporting dApps than modern blockchain have. No wonder there are people striving to bring it to Bitcoin via L2 solutions.
- CrossCurve, a solution for dealing with fragmented liquidity. There are many blockchains, the liquidity is spread between all of them, and it’s hard to move it between them (that can be slow, expensive, unsafe). CrossCurve aims to change that, connecting liquidity on the Curve DEX into a “unified cross-chain market”.
- onewayblock.com and clashofcoins.com. These are NFT farming games, not yet launched. They were described by V2V as “riskier than BitLayer but could be way more profitable for us.”
U2U network (an L1 blockchain) was also mentioned as being “in the final stage with”.
#Telegram #TON #V3V #Bitcoin #Invest