Tonight, on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show: It’s Goat Soup time. Milonakis announced the title of his first serious NFT collection and released the first sample, pictured above. The Goat Soup team chose pixel art and a 24×24 format because the project is 100% on chain. That means, their pieces have to be light because they’ll live in the Ethereum blockchain. We’ll get back to Goat Soup soon enough, but first…
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Did you notice the parallelism between Andy Milonakis’ first-ever NFT and his Bored Ape?
My first nft purchase on os, only 2 1/2 months ago. Still have it. https://t.co/CeXGBawKWU
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 17, 2021
Look, they’re both crying and everything.
Spinner Hat gang at 60 eth floor. 34.5 10 days ago. lets go spinners. I really want a Cheetah too but it's too rich now pic.twitter.com/5jFYdPgFQS
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 17, 2021
Is it fate or did Milonakis mastermind this? We wouldn’t know, but he bought the Bored Ape in the previous episode for 30 ETH. Today, the floor price for the BAYC is almost 50 ETH. That’s what we in the industry call timing.
Ape's almost at 50. 10 days ago they were at 30. Not my best multiple so far but definitely my best timed buy for a big NFT by far. I was so close to holding off til late November, glad I didn't. Also really happy with my creature, cool cat and new cyberkongz baby. pic.twitter.com/pz4Pg2Gci3
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 16, 2021
Fair Compensation For Goat Soup ’s Pixel Artist
Andy Milonakis is here to make the world a better place. The artist who drew his pixel goats charged him way too little, and he asks the community, “You think if i give her a 50x bonus what she quoted me originally is fair?” Later on, we will learn that the woman asked for just $500.
the nft game mother teresa pic.twitter.com/TchmCZlG4k
— pud (@thepudberry) November 18, 2021
But wait, Milonakis wants to help but, let’s not exaggerate. He won’t give her a percentage of the sales until Goat Soup version two. “I think if we sell out I should give her like 50K and maybe for Version 2 i’ll help her with crypto and give percentage?”
She doesn't have any wallets or crypto and just wants cash, so far I paid her about $3000, she asked for $500. I think if we sell out I should give her like 50K and maybe for Version 2 i'll help her with crypto and give percentage?
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 18, 2021
He has a reason for that, though. And it’s a good one, Milonakis plans to spend the rest of his life building utility for those Goat Soup NFTs. The artist, on the other hand, only spent a few days drawing them. Is Andy right or is he being exploitative? In the end, he decides to give her the $50K. “I tweeted this because I wanted to be transparent. I think 100X asking price is fair.”
I also think time is valuable, so if I'm going to spend countless hours and years building utility and spending my life on it, verses 4 or 5 days creating 24 pixel art, we have to be reasonable. I tweeted this because I wanted to be transparent. I think 100X asking price is fair
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 18, 2021
In the replies, the community seems to think what Milonakis did was more than fair. Remember, the Goat Soup artist only asked for $500. The question remains, should he have offered her a percentage?
ETH price chart for 11/22/2021 on Bitfinex | Source: ETH/USD on TradingView.com
Intermission: Andy Milonakis Inspired Art
Speaking about pixel art, Milonakis got another gift from an artist in the NFT community. This one is an homage to Andy’s obsession with sushi.
Holy shit, I love this so much. You even drew my button up globe shirt, thanks https://t.co/oGPEHfoFK4
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 17, 2021
Will they mint it as an NFT? Will Milonakis buy it?
The Goat Soup Collection’s Behind The Scenes
There are details about how the Goat Soup collection came about that’ll be interesting for future NFT artists and entrepreneurs. For example, why didn’t Milonakis release Goat Soup tokens?
When I got rid of the token idea for this first launch, I cut the number of pieces almost in half to 3774. That will cut the projects profits by over 1 million dollars up front. I'm in it for the long haul, lets fucking go. Gonna reveal the name & art soon. Launch prob 7-10 days
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 18, 2021
The reasons are that Milonakis wanted to consult with a lawyer first and that he wanted to build a community with people that were interested in the art and the real-life utility, and not with rent-seeking crypto bros.
In the following tweet, he explains why he decided to make Goat Soup a 100% on chain, a fact that dictated the project’s direction. “Most of the NFT’s on opensea are not on chain, and the images are housed on a server somewhere. My project will exist on the etherium block chain, and that’s why its pixel art”
I was inspired by @AnonymiceNFT to release my project fully on chain. Definitely more involved but most of the NFT's on opensea are not on chain, and the images are housed on a server somewhere. My project will exist on the etherium block chain, and that's why its pixel art
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 18, 2021
And, finally, here Milonakis announces Goat Soup as the collection’s name and shows a sample piece.
The name of my NFT series is Goat Soup. 3774 fully on chain. Coming out in about a week. Here's one of the critters. There will be different types of bowls, soup, fur colors, hats, horns and eyes pic.twitter.com/xlZOclC9Vd
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 19, 2021
Intermission: The Toddlerpillars
Another piece in Andy’s collection, here, he tells the story of how he helped The Toddlerpillars by suggesting a trait through their Discord server.
This is my favorite @toddlerpillars Fun fact: if you have a trait with a see-n-say chest (the cow goes moo) toy…I gave them the idea for that trait and maybe 1 more. Disclosure: They hooked me up with 2 nfts as a thank you pic.twitter.com/oVFMujIdye
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 20, 2021
“Disclosure: They hooked me up with 2 nfts as a thank you.” Good for you, Andy.
Milonakis Fights The Masses, Pt. 1000
Another chapter, another case of Milonakis feeding the trolls. He loves it. This time, though, the criticism is about his Goat Soup collection.
how the fuck do you know, i haven't built a community? https://t.co/W6ZgvJoFJu
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 19, 2021
This is a poorly researched opinion, considering the Goat Soup Discord server has over 8000 members and every post gets this kind of reaction:
And here, a degen calls Andy a scammer. Milonakis responds, “It shows lack of character that you just randomly accuse people of sh*t without doing any research. Sorry but with that attitude you’re not gonna make it.”
you literally retweeting NFT contests, you're a fucking weirdo for that. It shows lack of character that you just randomly accuse people of shit without doing any research. Sorry but with that attitude you're not gonna make it https://t.co/9QQ6kRZVtC
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 19, 2021
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Goat Soup Essentials
By the public’s suggestion, the Goat Soup project has a Twitter account:
Good call. @goatsoupnft https://t.co/6QGSjkk3N1
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 20, 2021
Andy and the team also bought the .com domain. No site yet, though.
And well, Milonakis is already thinking about the future. And about how to bring value to the NFTs. “When I release my first hip hop single on opensea, everyone that has a Goat Soup nft (my series coming soon) will get a free mint of it.”
When I release my first hip hop single on opensea, everyone that has a Goat Soup nft (my series coming soon) will get a free mint of it
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) November 19, 2021
The Goat Soup NFTs will be out in a week. There will be a private sale for members of the Discord server that were fortunate enough to get whitelisted and, right after, there will be a public sale for everyone interested. Chances are the project will sell out in a few hours. We’ll let you know what happened in the next episode of… The Andy Milonakis NFT Show.
Featured Image: The first goat, revealed through this tweet | Charts by TradingView