LEOcoin, a cryptocurrency marketed towards entrepreneurs, has launched its mobile application for Android and iOS platforms.
Disclaimer: This article is sponsored by Bitcoin PR Buzz.
According to a press release, the app is informational in nature, providing users with educational resources on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as real-time data on LEOcoin itself.
The Learning Enterprises Organization (LEO)—the group behind LEOcoin— reported that, within the first days of its launch on Android and iOS, the application got over a thousand downloads
This mobile app comes as the cryptocurrency reportedly gains ground in the world’s major economies. According to the team behind the coin, their “LEO at the Great Wall” event in China during late September was well received, a press release stating that “entrepreneurs, bureaucrats and other important personalities” attended.
LEOcoin: Cryptocurrency for Entrepreneurs
LEO started this project with the intent to make a cryptocurrency tailored towards entrepreneurs and businesspeople. The coin advertises the same privacy, speed and security of bitcoin, but with a pure Proof of Stake algorithm that makes the network accessible to everyone.
According to LEO, the community surrounding the cryptocurrency project has grown to over 206,000 members, as well as a strong base of merchants supporting the use of the currency.
“LEOcoin has a huge potential as a cryptocurrency,” cryptocurrency expert Babic Mladen told press. “It is difficult to predict its growth in the immediate future. But, given that this is the next-generation means of payment, there is much to do in the field.”
Expressing optimism for the project, Mladen concluded, “In the long run, LEOcoin and the LEOcoin ecosystem will definitely make it to the top in terms of market cap.”
At press time, CoinGecko reported LEOcoin to have a value of roughly $0.5 USD, with a total market cap of nearly $42.9 million.
What do you think of this cryptocurrency project? Let us know in the comments below.
Images courtesy of LEO.