Phoenix is Taking the Risk and Volatility Out of Cryptocurrency Investing
Are you tired of the volatile ups and downs that come with trading cryptocurrencies? If you’re looking for maximum return ...
Are you tired of the volatile ups and downs that come with trading cryptocurrencies? If you’re looking for maximum return ...
Smart contracts are supposed to be just that: smart. However, some smart contracts currently circulating aren't quite making the grade ...
Even though blockchain technology continues to make strides in developed countries, investment bank Exotix believes that it will have the biggest ...
Global startup District0x is building a network for decentralized markets and communities, powered by Ethereum, Aragon and IPFS. The DAO Hack ...
Distributed derivatives platform Velocity went live this week with a product demo version. The "simple" smart contract invites users to ...
Contracts are an integral part of society and rule our world. Now the genesis of smart contracts is bringing new meaning ...
March 1, 2016 -- Zero Knowledge Contingent Payments are have been made a reality for Bitcoin users everywhere. Core dev ...
February 19, 2016 – IBM launches its Openblockhain repository on GitHub under the liberal Apache license. OpenBlockchain represents a significant ...